jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

"The Prince and the Pauper" 1ºESO

This year you have read "The Prince and the Pauper", Mark Twain's famous book about the differences in society during the reign of king Henry VIII and his descendants.
Now, listen to the writer Mario Vargas LLosa talking about this book, which is one of his favourite books.

And you, what do you think about this book? Did you like it? Why?

6 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

yo pieso que es una historia muy bonita por que el principe al cambiarse por el mendigo,el principe se da cuenta lo que el mendigo a estado sufriendo y el mendigo ve lo bien que vive el principe

Unknown dijo...

I feet that is a beautiful story that changed the prince to the beggar, the prince realizes what the beggar and the beggar been suffering see how well they live the Prince

Cristina Ruiz dijo...

Thank you so much for your participation sweetheart! Well done!!

Unknown dijo...

do not worry about anything I promise I will continue writing in this new blog

Juani García dijo...

Hellos I´m Juanma... The Prince and the Pauper is a story that I liked it more than that Sleepy Hollow is one of two children who are poor and one is a prince and life changing to see what gets one and how simple life is of a prince

By: JuanMa

Juani dijo...

Profesora vas a contestar algun dia jejeje

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